# Educaship Common Hour
## SOP
1. **The events**
1. (where) to occur at [https://talk.cnmcyber.com/common](https://talk.cnmcyber.com/common)
2. (when) to be scheduled at 08:00 PM EAT on Tuesdays
3. (who)
4. (why)
5. (what)
2. **The moderator**
1. to join the meeting 10 minutes before other participants
2. to take the initiative of welcoming all the members present.
3. to give an overview of the intended discussion during the meeting
4. to give the participants a chance for a Q&A session
5. will therefore try to respond to the questions
6. will note down the frequently asked questions and upload them
7. to ask for payment
3. Communicate the next meeting and adjourn the meeting.
4. Notes?
5. Calendar?
6. Jitsi account?
7. Other events can be scheduled instead of common hour -- the community board shall decide
8. What if the moderator cannot attend?
9. Error
10. How to create an account
11. Welcome Space
12. Greeting text and announcement
13. Requirements for being a moderator and participants